How to Record manual dial calls in vicidial
Vicidial Recording manual dial calls
Topic: How to Record manual dial calls in vicidial
Issue: Recording Manual dial calls
By default, Vicidial have the option to record all the calls made via Agent Panel using the campaign settings, either manual mode or auto record mode.But the calls which are dialed directly from the user phones like xlite, zoiper, IPPhones, are not recorded nor options available.
Solution: Enabling Recordings
There are two methods to enable recordings for the calls which are dialed directly from the user phone.Phone Context:
which will enable the recording for the calls dialed directly from that phone.
Goto ADMIN -- Phones -- modify the phoneDialplan with Recording AGI
exten => _99X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y)
exten => _99X.,n,Dial(SIP/trunkname/${EXTEN:2})
exten => _99X.,n,Hangup
where 99 is the prefix
If you want a report and download the recording from the vicidial admin portal, then
create a userid (users-add a new user) with the same extension number used in user phone.
then go to that userid , click user stats
were you can find the Recordings, along with download link, date of call
Hope this article is useful, for professional support reach me on skype:striker24x7
Checkout my youtube channel for video tutorials
vicidial record calls for manual dial or direct dial from softphone
the first method does not work
Thank you sir for your amazing blogs, i learned a lot from your vicidial tutorial, Again a big thanks Sir.