How to reset the vicibox forgotten root password
Vicibox Root Password Reset
Topic: How to reset the vicibox forgotten root password
Overview :
VICIbox Server is the official installation CD for the VICIDIAL Call Center Suite. It is based off of OpenSuSE server, and will properly install the VICIDIAL Call Center Suite with relative ease.
The current release of VICIbox server is ViciBox 10.0.0. This version includes offline as well as online installation method, full OpenSuSE server install, various SIP and Vici utilities, and other improvements. ViciBox is currently built with the following:
VICIbox Server is maintained by the Vicidial Group, the active maintainers of the VICIDIAL call center suite.
VICIbox Server is in not affiliated with any other VicDial installation distribution.
Vicibox Components
The Vicibox includes
OS: Opensuse
Asterisk 13/16 for telephony
Mariadb for Database
Apache for Webserver
How to reset the Root Password of vicibox
To the reset the Forgotten root password of vicibox , you need to reboot the server under single user mode, which is similar to reset of root password in most of the linux distrubution.
Follow the below video guide ,in which i have demonstrated the steps to reset the Vicibox root password using single user mode boot option
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vicibox root password reset.
vicibox 9.0.3
password reset not working, press F10
sh-4.4# ( here typing not working)